Welcome to our homepage!The Art of Living Club is dedicated to teaching practical stress-relief techniques for Cal students, but we also do much more. We emphasize:
Yoga & meditation
Please browse our website using the above tabs to learn more.
Although upcoming events will be posted here, you are encouraged to subscribe to our
mailing list to receive updates in a timely manner.
Weekly Club Meetings featuring a guided meditation, some light stretching, and fun group games occur throughout the semester. Our meetings for Fall 2010 are over, but details for Spring 2011 meetings will come soon. Have a great winter break and don't forget to breathe ;)
Our 2008-09 scrapbook can be viewed
For general inquiries, please contact Pratiksha Ahuja at pahuja@berkeley.edu
You can subscribe to our mailing list or change your existing subscription at the
CalMail Mailing List Service Page.
The Art of Living Yoga Club was founded approximately in the year 2000. In the Fall of 2003, the club constitution contained the following mission statement, primarily penned by graduate student Konstantin Dragov:
The purpose of the Art of Living Yoga Club is to promote human values on campus such as friendliness, openness, cooperation, service, and compassion through teaching meditation and yoga classes such as the Art of Living Course and engaging its members in service projects.
After the club's leadership graduated, it became inactive. In the Fall of 2006, the club was re-started by two undergraduate students, Umang Dave and Ganesh Nagaraj, and the club name was shortened to the Art of Living Club. Today, the spirit of the club remains the same, although the mission statement has been re-worded to include the following purposes:
a. Teach practical and simple techniques to remove stress and toxins from the body, bringing about greater clarity, energy and joy and enlivening human values such as peace, friendliness, and service.
b. Periodically hold Yoga, Empowerment, and Service Courses taught by trained Art of Living instructors.
c. Meet for weekly meditations.
d. Coordinate community service projects.